
La liste suivante contient des documents antérieurs et récents reliés à la caractérisation du site, à l'évaluation des risques et à la planification de la gestion conceptuelle qui peuvent contenir des informations à partir desquelles découlent le plan conceptuel de gestion des sédiments pour l'arrière-port de Kingston. La collecte d'informations et la planification du projet se poursuivent toujours; cette liste de documents sera donc mise à jour au fur et à mesure de l'avancement de la planification.

Liste de documents / études

  1. Golder 2011. Review and Data Gap Assessment for Parks Canada Waterlot, Kingston Inner Harbour. Submitted to Public Works and Government Services Canada, Toronto, Ontario. Report Number 11-1122-0019. March 2011.
  2. Golder. 2011. Implementation of the Canada-Ontario Decision Making Framework for Assessment of Great Lakes Contaminated Sediment. Kingston Inner Harbour: Framework Steps 4 and 5 (PQRA) Submitted to Public Works and Government Services Canada, Toronto, Ontario. Report Number: 10-1421-0039. 31 March 2011.
  3. Golder. 2012. Implementation of the Canada-Ontario Decision Making Framework for Assessment of Great Lakes Contaminated Sediment. Kingston Inner Harbour: Framework Step 6 (Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessment) Submitted to Public Works and Government Services Canada, Toronto, Ontario. Report Number: 11-1122-0154. 30 March 2012.
  4. Golder. 2013. Parks Canada Water Lot Sediment Quality Update: Kingston Inner Harbour, Kingston, Ontario. Submitted to Public Works and Government Services Canada, Toronto, Ontario. Report Number: 1211220199-500-R-Rev0. 1 April 2013.
  5. Golder. 2013. Literature Assessment of Fish Lesions in Bottom Fish – Implications to the Transport Canada Water Lot, Kingston Ontario. Submitted to Public Works and Government Services Canada, Toronto, Ontario. Report Number: 1314210002-002-L-Rev0. 25 March 2013.
  6. Golder. 2013. Kington Inner Harbour – Source Investigation for Southwest Transport Canada Water Lot. Submitted to Public Works and Government Services Canada, Toronto, Ontario. Report Number: 1314210026-003-L-Rev0. 26 March 2013.
  7. Golder. 2014. Transport Canada Waterlot Sediment Investigation – 2013: Kingston Inner Harbour, Kingston, Ontario. Submitted to Public Works and Government Services Canada, Toronto, Ontario. Report Number: 1314210026-002-R-Rev0. 27 March 2014.
  8. Environmental Sciences Group, Royal Military College. 2014. Application of the Canada - Ontario Decision- Making Framework for the Contaminated Sediments in the Kingston Inner Harbour. RMC-CCE-ES-14-03. February 2014.
  9. Golder. 2014. Literature Assessment of Fish Lesions in Bottom Fish. Submitted to Public Works and Government Services Canada, Toronto, Ontario. Report Number: 1314210002-001-L-Rev1. 4 April 2014.
  10. Golder. 2016. Kingston Inner Harbour—Risk Assessment Refinement and Synthesis. Submitted to Public Works and Government Services Canada, Toronto, Ontario. Revised Final Report. Report Number: 1416134-004-R-Rev0. 17 August 2016.
  11. Golder. 2017. Kingston Inner Harbour—Conceptual Remedial Options Analysis. Submitted to Public Works and Government Services Canada, Toronto, Ontario. Report Number: 1661792-001-R-Rev1. 17 August 2017.
  12. Golder. 2017. Kingston Inner Harbour—Preliminary Sediment Transport Study. Submitted to Public Works and Government Services Canada, Toronto, Ontario. Report Number: 1661792-002-R-Rev0. 16 March 2017.
  13. Past Recovery Archaeological Services Inc., 2020. Marine Desktop (Stage 1 Equivalent) Archaeological Assessment of the Kingston Inner Harbour Part Farm Lots A, 1 and 2, Concession West of the Great Cataraqui, Part City Lots A to C and Ordnance Lands, Original Survey of the Town of Kingston, and Ordnance water lot City of Kingston, Ontario.
  14. Past Recovery Archaeological Services Inc., 2020. Stage 1 Terrestrial Archaeological Assessment of the Kingston Inner Harbour Part Farm Lots A, 1 and 2, Concession West of the Great Cataraqui, Part City Lots A to C and Ordnance Lands, Original Survey of the Town of Kingston, and Ordnance water lot City of Kingston, Ontario.
  15. SNC-Lavalin 2020. Gap Analysis for Proposed Remediation Works at Kingston Inner Harbour. Submitted to Public Services and Procurement Canada, Toronto, Ontario. Internal Reference: 668479.
  16. SNC-Lavalin. 2020. Inner Harbour Sediment Stability Study – Kingston Inner Harbour Transport Canada and Parks Canada Water Lot Kingston, Ontario. Internal Reference: 653502-ED-L01-01.
  17. Golder. 2021. Conceptual Sediment Management Plan for the Kingston Inner Harbour. Transport Canada and Parks Canada Waterlot, Kingston, Ontario. Report Number 1783886-014-R-Rev1. 4 August 2021.
  18. SNC Lavalin. 2023. Conceptual Constraints and Impact Considerations Final Draft Report. Submitted to Public Services and Procurement Canada. March 2023.
  19. WSP. 2023. Conceptual Sediment Management Plan for the Kingston Inner Harbour Transport Canada and Parks Canada Water Lot, Kingston, Ontario. Submitted to Public Services and Procurement Canada. September 2023.
  20. WSP. 2023. Kingston Inner Harbour Sediment Management Project. What We Heard: Review of Public and Stakeholder Engagement. 2021-2022.

Matériel pour l’engagement des parties prenantes (2021)

  1. Questions & Answers - August 2021
  2. Information Handout - August 2021
  3. Presentation to City of Kingston, EITP Committee - September 28, 2021

Liste de guides, politiques et documents d’orientation pertinents

  1. Golder. 2018. Canada-Ontario Decision Making Framework for Assessment of Great Lakes Contaminated Sediment. Ontario. March 2008.
    Online at:
  2. Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan (FCSAP). 2019. Framework for Addressing and Managing Aquatic Sites under the Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan (FCSAP), Version 2.0, June 2019. Ottawa: Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada. 64 pgs.
    Online at:
  3. Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan (FCSAP). 2019. Guidance for Assessing and Managing Aquatic Contaminated Sites in Working Harbours, Version 1.0, June 2019. Ottawa: Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada. 61 pgs.
    Online at: FCSAP working harbour guidance (
  4. Parks Canada. 2019. Parks Canada Directive on Impact Assessment. August 2019. Ottawa: Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada. 30 pgs.
  5. Parks Canada. 2020. Guide to the Parks Canada Process under the Impact Assessment Act. August 2020. Ottawa: Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada. 23 pgs.
    Online at:
  6. Parks Canada. 2020. Detailed Impact Assessment Handbook Part 3. 2020. Draft. Ottawa: Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada. 62 pgs.