Communication and engagement with local stakeholders and the public are an important part of project planning. The project team continues to receive feedback and information sharing from key stakeholders including the City of Kingston, regulators, adjacent landowners/tenants, businesses that operate in Kingston Inner Harbour, and community groups with a specific interest in the harbour.

The overall goal of past and ongoing engagement activities is to inform interested parties of the recommended sediment management strategy and incorporate feedback on areas or issues of concern. Feedback obtained about the project has supported changes to the updated conceptual Sediment Management Plan before the detailed design is made, and are also being integrated into the in-progress Detailed Impact Assessment.

Project engagement activities have focused on informing stakeholders and interest groups about the proposed plans for the harbour and engaging in open dialogue about the key issues that they have identified based on review of the sediment management strategy.

Additional opportunities for feedback and consultation will be provided as the project is refined over time and as additional information is collected (e.g., during Detailed Impact Assessment process). Engagement will continue throughout the duration of the project.

What We Heard 2021-2022

There were many recommendations for changes to the sediment management plan from stakeholders and the public. The recommendations were summarized in the “What We Heard: Review of Public and Stakeholder Engagement 2021-2022” report which is available on our Documents page.